
The Mysterious Case of D.B. Cooper

Hello and welcome to what may be my favorite case of all time! You might have not heard of D.B. Cooper before, and if not, strap in because this is a lot. A lot in a good way though, I promise. Let's start with what we know for sure. We know that o n Wednesday, November 24, 1971, a man by the name Dan Cooper bought a $20 dollar one-way ticket from Portland to Seattle. B y the end of the day, when the plane was somewhere between Seattle and Reno, Nevada, Cooper jumped out of the rear door with two of the parachutes and about $200,000 in cash. He hasn't been seen since then. Taking us back to the beginning ,  Cooper boarded the plane wearing a suit, black trench coat, and carrying a briefcase and brown paper bag. Once seated, he  handed a flight attendant a note, which she first tucked into her pocket, not even glancing at it. He then told her to read the note immediately. In the note, he said to her that he had a bomb. (Shocker !) Cooper was pretty needy, as he had the f...

The Titanic: Or, Wait, Scratch That

I am pretty confident you guys have all heard the story of the infamous RMS Titanic . Or, at least, seen the movie. Well, since the doomed voyage, many people have come out and said that the Titanic didn't sink. Before I make myself sound du mb, let me rephrase th at: The ship that sank that April morning was not the   RMS Titanic   at all, but the   Olympic  disguised as the   RMS Titanic Does that make sense?  Perhaps you've heard of this theory, and if you haven't, you're probably confused. But without further ado, let's get started. Don't drown. Taking us back to a few months before The " Titanic " set off from Europe, The Olympic had been sailing to and from North America. Unfortunately,   a collision occurred with another ship, and The Olympic suffered reasonable damage to the starboard side and propeller shaft.  The Royal Navy inquiry blamed the incident completely  on the ...

Do You See That?

Chances are, on any given day, if you go outside and look up into the sky, you'll notice a plane fly by. Or, at the least, you'll spot the white trail commonly left behind, painting the sky into rows and rows and rows (and rows and rows, if you still haven't gotten the hint.) As a kid when I saw them, I just thought they were normal and oogled about how pretty they looked. As I grew older, I started to read more about this, specifically, what it is. And turns out, nobody really knows. This can't be found within all planes, because then passenger planes would leave the trails too. So what is it? Many believe those pretty white lines to be chemtrails. Chemtrails? What the heck is that? Well, it depends on the person you ask. It ranges from these trails used to  exacerb ate global warming,  to more  crazy theories that the government has secretly been dumping harmful substances on the land. Whatever the theory, however, chances are it's not a good one.  ...

JFK Assassination: Pointing Fingers

Hello and welcome back theorists! Just in case you forgot, last post we dove into the assassination of former president John F Kennedy, and just how believable the event is. For this post, however, we are going to be talking about something not mentioned in the last post: who could've done it? We all know the government, more specifically the CIA, hides a lot of shady stuff, and does a lot of shady stuff. Undoubtedly. But could they have assassinated their own president? I know, I know, stay with me though. Honestly the idea doesn't sound too far out there. Let's break it down and start with Why the CIA could've wanted to kill Kennedy.  A possible CIA motive was that after the failed Bay of Pigs invasion into Cuba, the CIA underwent personnel changes, at the hand of Kennedy, which may have upset them  Kennedy also  accepted responsibility for the invasion but behind closed doors completely blamed the CIA .  Also during that Bay of Pigs invasion, Kennedy ref...

JFK Assassination: Bullseye or Missed Target?

Hello theorists and welcome back! While the previous post, centered around the moon landing, was special to me because it was the theory that turned me into what I am today, this theory is also important for quite a different reason. The assassination of President John F Kennedy in 1963 was a shock to the entire country, but this theory is one I very much believe in. In fact, I am not alone on this either, as according to Time , a poll conducted by ABC News found that an astoundingly 70% of Americans believe Kennedy's death was the result of a more serious and planned out plot. There is no doubt this is a very dense theory, with undoubtedly a ton of information and theories on it. not wanting to leave anything out, I have decided to split this theory into two separate blog posts (you'll thank me later, so, you're welcome in advance) This post, the first one, will pretty much sum up why the assassination, and why it's so fishy, while the second post will go more ...

Holy (Space)Ship! Was the Moon Landing Staged?

Hello and welcome! For the start of my blog, I thought it was only fitting to start off with undoubtedly one of the most popular conspiracy theories, and the one that got me into the theorist I am today- the moon landing theory. While this theory has been debunked numerous times by scientists, it is still quite an interesting scenario to imagine. Without further ado, let’s dive in! As far as we all remember, Neil Armstrong landed on the moon nearly forty years ago as Americans watched all over the country, but ever since then, many people have spotted some things about the footage, and landing in general, that just don't add up. For starters, many people noticed that in the footage of Armstrong on the moon, there are no stars seen. What? If you are on the moon, in the middle of space, shouldn't you be SURROUNDED by stars? Did the people on set forget to "turn on" the lights? There should no doubt be stars dotting across the background, right? Well unfortunate...