Do You See That?
Chances are, on any given day, if you go outside and look up into the sky, you'll notice a plane fly by. Or, at the least, you'll spot the white trail commonly left behind, painting the sky into rows and rows and rows (and rows and rows, if you still haven't gotten the hint.) As a kid when I saw them, I just thought they were normal and oogled about how pretty they looked. As I grew older, I started to read more about this, specifically, what it is. And turns out, nobody really knows. This can't be found within all planes, because then passenger planes would leave the trails too. So what is it? Many believe those pretty white lines to be chemtrails. Chemtrails? What the heck is that? Well, it depends on the person you ask. It ranges from these trails used to exacerb ate global warming, to more crazy theories that the government has secretly been dumping harmful substances on the land. Whatever the theory, however, chances are it's not a good one. ...