Holy (Space)Ship! Was the Moon Landing Staged?
Hello and welcome! For the start of my blog, I thought it was only fitting to start off with undoubtedly one of the most popular conspiracy theories, and the one that got me into the theorist I am today- the moon landing theory. While this theory has been debunked numerous times by scientists, it is still quite an interesting scenario to imagine. Without further ado, let’s dive in! As far as we all remember, Neil Armstrong landed on the moon nearly forty years ago as Americans watched all over the country, but ever since then, many people have spotted some things about the footage, and landing in general, that just don't add up. For starters, many people noticed that in the footage of Armstrong on the moon, there are no stars seen. What? If you are on the moon, in the middle of space, shouldn't you be SURROUNDED by stars? Did the people on set forget to "turn on" the lights? There should no doubt be stars dotting across the background, right? Well unfortunate...